
Welcome to Villa Dark Horse, a house filled with poetry, art and nonsense. Through the Floor Plan you can navigate to all the different spaces, enjoy poems, stories, images and sounds and meet the residents in the Office of the Ministry of Silly E-mails.


Nejburs (Marco de Fenderman and Villa Dark Horse) plays in Utrecht on February 2! Check it out in our Newsletter.

About Us

How it all started...

Dark Horse was born on 16 June 2012 at Farm Lator, a beautiful place full of birds and butterflies and all kinds of natural wonders in Hungary, near the Bükk Mountains. There, on a warm summer’s day, a Mysterious Muse inspired an unknown poet (actually a poetess...) of the Low Lands to a verse about The Pond of Farm Lator.

‘You really are a Dark Horse’1, the Muse said to the poet, after they had read this text together, sitting very close to each other on a small bench which leaned against the wall of the white cottage where the poet was lodged. And there she was: like Athena born out of the head of Zeus, Dark Horse leaped winnying out of the head of the Mysterious Muse...

Shining black, strong and bold she stood before them, impatiently stamping her hooves, eager to drink in the beauties of the world and to be alive, so very much alive. And she started to roam the Hungarian Great Plain, where the eagles soar high up in the sky and hundreds of butterflies dance from flower to flower in search of honey and love. And she has not ceased to surprise both poet and Muse in the past two years...

When the poet, which had hardly ever shared a poem with anyone before and was intrigued by the fact that it could have such an effect, when she travelled home in the night train from Budapes to Munich, a sleepless night as always..., she thought it would be nice if others could read and enjoy her poetry and stories too. And she decided to build a home for poetry, art and nonsense... A digital home which would be called, of course: Villa Dark Horse!



1) A “Dark Horse” is someone who does something unexpected. The quote comes from a 19th-century novel, by Benjamin Disraeli: “A dark horse which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. James had never even observed in the list, rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph.” (Benjamin Disraeli,The Young Duke (1831).