
Newsletter 2024-02

Newsletter Villa Dark Horse 2024-02

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Third performance by Nejburs!
On October 6, Nejburs will play in Houten during Peeking at the Neighbours (Gluren bij de Buren).
Address: Atalantaberm 29.
Three different gigs at 14.00, 15.30 and 16.30 hours.

The singer-songwriter duo Nejburs, consisting of Marco de Fenderman and Villa Dark Horse, has  concluded its second season with a performance in their own neighborhood during Voordorps Verbeelding on April 7.  And starts its third season in Houten.

To reflect on this, we have now published the song The Thing on the Youtube channel. This time not a version from the living room but with an audience. Why that number exactly? Because this was the first song Nejburs recorded at the time. That seems like a small step in the history of mankind, but it was a big leap forward for us. Through this recording it became unmistakably clear that the Nejburs are musical soul mates.

In the meantime, Nejburs has written so many new songs that extra binders had to be purchased and even an extra hard drive to store it all. So there were tough decisions to be made for October 6th, because all our songs are 'darlings', but the next gig will largely consist of new material.

Curious? Come and listen in Houten!
Also visit our Youtube channel LINK and Facebook page






New in the Villa
Although Nejburs takes a lot of time from the Villa (after all, there is a lot of practice to be done), our cleaning lady Kate has found time to redecorate and renovate most of the Villa. For example, a Leuven turtle is now swimming in the Bathroom. The Veranda and the Pump in the Backyard have been replaced and the interior of the Living Room has also been upgraded. The throne is waiting for the one who is going to solve the world's problems.




What's it like outside?
Although war threatens the outer borders of the Villa, just like everywhere else, Outside has returned to peace and a blooming rapeseed field stretches to the horizon. The oil that will be pressed from this will be used by the Villa to lubricate polarized relationships.





A little extra love
Unfortunately, due to the increased threat, bars have now been placed in front of the windows of the Music Room and the Art Cabinet. As a counterbalance, Katrijn placed a beautiful love song by Nejburs in the Room of Love: A hundred ways to say yes. In the Music Room you can listen to 10 other songs by Nejburs.






The Villa is green!
In the meantime, the Villa has also embarked on the path towards greening and sustainability. A second-hand coach house from the Sarphatipark in Amsterdam has been installed. To this end, a water storage facility has been constructed surrounded by wild plants. A wildflower field has been sown in the Orchard, which is still in full bloom even now, at the end of summer. Excess rainwater from the Attic is drained into the Pond via a new Augsburg water system.




And so the Villa is slowly preparing for autumn and winter. Kate has already knitted a pair of nice warm socks in the Studio. And: as the father of the Villa allways says: 'Keep your head cool and your feet warm!'



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